Emily Carter
Member since Jul 2019

What happens if results day doesn’t go your way?
You revised as hard as you could, you sat you final exams and now you’re enjoying your well earned, long, summer. There’s only one thing left to do… open that dreaded results envelope. For some people, results day is a day to celebrate all their hard work paying off, but for others it can be […]

Navigating University With a Health Problem
University can often be difficult at the best of times; but add a health problem into the mix and it can suddenly get ten times harder. It’s so important to make sure that you look after yourself- and that the needs that come from your health are catered for. GET A SUPPORT PLAN IN PLACE […]

10 quick self care tips to improve your life
Self care is an important part of life and one that most people don’t make enough time for. Whether their excuse is “I’m just too busy to make time for it” or “I simply don’t know where to start with self care,” for many self care just isn’t a priority. Below I’m going to give […]

10 Things to Avoid in Your First Year of University
Navigating your first year of university can be a bit of a minefield. There’s a plethora of opportunities and that means that there’s a whole range of lessons for you to learn. Here’s 10 things I learnt the hard way… and now you can learn from my mistakes. Don’t bring every single piece of clothing […]

How Asking For Help Changed The Way I Work
I used to be someone who liked to do everything by myself. I would rather sit and struggle by myself than admit to anybody that I needed their help. I would very rarely want anybody to read my work, unless the teacher had already said that it was good and that they could use it […]

How University Changed My Relationship With Food (And Myself)
Before I started University, I didn’t have a very healthy relationship with food. I was eating the wrong things, eating too much and gaining weight. Before I started uni, I had to decide that enough was enough. I had to decide that I wanted to make a change. What really helped me decide to change […]

False beliefs I held about university before I got there
Before I went to university I had the impression that it was going to be all sunshine and daisies. I thought everything would go perfectly and it would be a walk in the park. I could not have been more wrong. Very quickly I learnt that the my initial belief was so far from true […]

The 5 Shows I’m Loving Right Now
There’s a whole range of different programmes on TV at the moment- it’s no surprise that it can often feel difficult choosing what to watch. I sometimes find that recommendations from other people help me to decide what I want to watch. With that in mind, here’s the 5 shows I’m loving right now. Jack […]

How Moving Away For University Changed My Relationship With My Family
When I moved away for university, I was terrified that my relationship with my family was going to change in a negative way. I thought that our close knit family unit was going to cease to exist (or worse, carry on existing without me). Thankfully, that didn’t happen and our family is just as close […]

Looking After Me
Today I wasn’t okay… and that’s okay! Tomorrow is another day and I’ll try again. If tomorrow is just as bad, that’s okay too.

My Autumn Fashion Must Haves
There’s a number of things I love about autumn. The slightly chillier weather providing a reason to snuggle under a blankie on the sofa, the crisp leaves, the impending sense that Christmas is almost here. But perhaps, above all else, what I love most about autumn is the fashion. Here’s my autumn fashion must haves… […]

5 Books You Won’t Be Able To Put Down
Reading: the ultimate form of escapism. Any good book will have you lost in its pages, not wanting to put it down. Nothing beats the time spent with a good book and a mug of tea. Although, I must admit that I don’t spend as much time reading as I’d like to. I love any […]

Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
The world is pretty confusing place! I mean, when you look around, there’s so much going on that it’s not hard to see why people would be so down about it. It strikes me that amidst the confusion of the world, everyone has their own battles. Everyone is journeying their own path, and that can […]

Staying Productive When You’re Easily Distracted
30 minutes of Netflix. A quick scroll through Insta. A cheeky text message. A quick trip to the kitchen for yet another cuppa. Reorganising the sock drawer. Just some of the extensive range of methods that I use for procrastination. Let’s face it, it’s a mammoth task to stay focused when you’re easily distracted. I’m […]

Celebrating Autumn Rather Than Halloween
I’ve never celebrated Halloween. I’ve never really seen the point of it. Perhaps it stems from the fact that we were never allowed to do anything for it as kids. In fact, we were that family who’d be sat at home with blinds closed, lights off and doors locked. However, I’m thankful that my parents […]

Fun Things To Do At Uni WITHOUT Drinking
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a night out on the town… but it comes to a point when you’d rather do something that doesn’t involve alcohol. There’s no harm in drinking every now and again, but it really isn’t the be all and end all of student life. Here’s a few ideas of […]

Meredith Grey’s Top 5 Nuggets Of Wisdom
Emily writes: Narrowing it down to just my 5 favourite nuggets of wisdom has been incredibly hard… but I’ve managed it (eventually)! So, before I ramble on any longer, here’s Meredith Grey’s top 5 nuggets of wisdom, and the lessons I’ve learnt from them.

Presence For Christmas
Recently, I’ve been starting to think that maybe we’ve got the meaning of the Christmas season wrong. What if, it’s not about the extravagant gifts we buy or the elaborate feasts we prepare? But instead, what if it’s about simply being present? What if we gave our presence for Christmas rather than our presents? Think […]

I Love Christmas
There are so many things I love about Christmas. As soon as bonfire night is over, I’m a bundle of Christmas cheer; singing carols, buying presents, spreading holiday cheer. There’s just so much joy about the holiday season. Want to know the reasons why I love Christmas so much? Well, let me tell you. Christmas […]

My Guide To Perfecting That Essay
One of the most important keys for student life is nailing your essay technique. Once you’ve got that down, you’re pretty much set for any essay you’re ever given. But, finding the technique that works for you is hard and sometimes you need a little bit of advice from others. With that in mind, here’s […]

Why I’ve given up on New Years resolutions
Get more organised. Eat healthier. Buy a gym membership and actually go. Read for pleasure more. Every January 1st we set ourselves goals like these and by January 14th (or there abouts) we’ve already given up on them. That’s part of the reason why I’ve given up on New Years resolutions. New Years resolutions are […]

Reflections on my Uni Journey So Far
sI’m officially half way through my time at uni… like WHAT??? The past year and a half has flown by and it has been an absolutely crazy adventure. It’s got me thinking about my uni journey so far, the lessons I’ve learnt and the memories I’ve made. Here’s a few reflections on my uni journey […]

My Guide To Dealing With Homesickness
Moving away from home can be the biggest adventure of your life. Exploring a new city. Making new friends. Settling into a new routine. Everything about the new can be exciting. However, there’s another side of moving away that doesn’t get spoken about quite so much. I’m talking about homesickness. Homesickness can be the worst […]

My Second Year Resolve
I’m not really one for new year’s resolutions but I do like to set myself a resolve for the beginning of each new chapter of my life. As I head back to uni to start my second year, there a few things I resolve to do. This will be my mandate for the year; something […]

Learning To Argue Well
Learning how to argue well is a skill that once learned will serve you for life. Once learnt, it allows you to respect others, and get into debate with them whilst acknowledging that everyone holds their own opinion and that’s okay. It’s a skill that takes some people longer than others to learn.

“Why Are You Still Single?” And Other Questions I Wish People Would Stop Asking
Your late teens/the early twenties are a funny time of life. You’re just learning how to make it on your own in the big wide world; navigating the world of uni, work or whatever path you’ve chosen for yourself. It’s not easy. It can be made even harder when everyone has an opinion on what […]

#TellYourStory: My Top 10 Must Do’s This Winter
I think by now, we all know that this winter is going to look a lot different to any we’ve seen before. Not being able to be with those that we love the most will be more than a little difficult for us all. But, all hope is not lost! Perhaps, this winter could still […]

It’s The Small Things
I’m not going to lie, this week has been a ridiculously hard one. It’s been a “kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic” kind of week- to quote Rachel Green. In all honesty, there’s been a number of times that I wanted to quit, just give up and let things get the […]

The Music I’m Loving At The Moment
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have the most random music taste you’ve ever heard. One minute I’ll be listening to pop, then the next minute a bit of smooth jazz will come on. With that said, I don’t expect my music taste to be everybody’s cup of tea. But anyway, here’s […]

The Power of Vulnerability
A vulnerability has been coming up in every single area of my life recently. No matter where I am, people are talking about being vulnerable. It’s made me really have to stop and reconsider the power of vulnerability. I used to think that vulnerability was a weakness I never wanted to be in a position […]

Failing Doesn’t Make You A Failure
Failure is an inevitable part of life. Sooner or later, we’re all going to fail at something. But, it’s not our failures that define us. Imagine if that was the case- we would be a whole species of failures. I for one am so glad that that failing doesn’t make YOU a failure. Failing isn’t […]

It’s Okay To Put Yourself First Sometimes
It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes. You can’t give when you’re running on empty, and people can’t expect you to do so. Take time for you. Let yourself rest. And more than anything, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about it.

It’s all getting a bit too much – what do I do?
“It’s all getting a bit too much! What do I do?” That’s a question I think a lot of us have asked recently. Bad news seems to be everywhere. At the moment, just 20 minutes of watching the news is enough to send people into a state of panic. The world is full of fear, […]

It’s Okay If It’s Not The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
It gets to this time of the year and there’s always a whole lot of talk about it being “the most wonderful time of the year.” However, for a lot of people, Christmas is hard. It’s a time that reminds them of those that aren’t there with them. Christmas reminds them of all that they’ve […]

Such a fab post! It’s amazing how wonderful it can be to look back and reflect on your year
Commented on / 19 Lessons I’ve Learned in 2019
I love these ideas! So often our New Years resolutions are so big that we’re destined to fail them. These ideas are manageable and ones that we can all achieve
Commented on / 5 things to start in January – that aren’t new year’s resolutions
Auch great tips! We can all do our bit to make the world that little bit better!
Commented on / Kindness
Such a fab idea to make beauty products at home! It will save so much money and you’ll know exactly what’s in them so you can avoid all those nasty chemicals. Thanks so much for sharing!
Commented on / 5 Beauty Products You Can Make at Home
I love this list! So often we can get wrapped up in the gift giving of Christmas that we forget to be intentional about how we spend our time. I love that you’ve created a list of your goals to make sure that you’re more intentional this Christmas season!!
Commented on / My Goals This Christmas Time.
I love watching friends when I feel rubbish! No matter how bad I feel if never fails to make me feel a little bit better
Commented on / Self Care TV: 5 Shows to Watch When You’re Feeling Like Crap
They’re definitely worth a listen if you get chance!
Commented on / The Music I’m Loving At The Moment
These are really helpful tips! I'd never considered eating seasonally so that will save me a lot of money at uni- as well as allowing me to try some new recipes. Thank you so much for sharing!x
Commented on / How to eat healthily at Uni
I noticed Instagram penalties a few weeks ago when I was having a clear out of who I was following- I unfollowed about 300 people and then got blocked from any other actions. I was confused as to why but it's interesting to now know why it happened. Thank you for sharing useful tips about boosting engagement on Instagram- they're super helpful for novices like me!x
Commented on / Lets Talk Instagram Engagement
They really do!
Commented on / It’s The Small Things
I didn't know the root of it either until I was researching this post- it really is interesting! Thanks so much for commenting x
Commented on / The Power of Vulnerability
We definitely don't talk about periods enough so thank you so much for sharing! I used to have the most horrendous periods- they would last 10 days, would constantly be heavy and the cramps were horrible. Thankfully, I got the coil a few years ago which completely stopped my periods and I've now swapped to the depo injection which stops them too. I definitely don't miss having periods!xx
Commented on / let’s talk, periods
I'm desperate to see this film!
Commented on / Last Christmas – Not Your Ordinary Christmas Flick
I love these ideas! I usually struggle to get into the Christmas spirit but these ideas will definitely be a step towards getting there! Thanks so much for sharing!x
Commented on / My Top 10 Advent Activities.
I do the exact same thing, it's horrible! Maybe being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong is something we could all work on. Thanks so much for commenting!x
Commented on / Failing Doesn’t Make You A Failure
Thanks so much for sharing this! It can take real guts to be so public with our reflections but you've written a really great letter to your younger self!
Commented on / A Letter to my Twelve Year Old Self
These are some super handy tips about how we as current students can make changes to get the most out of our remaining time at uni.
Commented on / What I Would Have Done Differently While in Uni
Such great suggestions! One of my favourite Christmas films is 'A Christmas Princess' it's such a brilliant family friendly film!
Commented on / Family Friendly Films you need to watch this winter
I definitely relate to Meredith on a spiritual level too! I think that might be my favourite too! It's definitely something I'm having to remember a lot at the moment! Thanks so much for reading!xx
Commented on / Meredith Grey’s Top 5 Nuggets Of Wisdom
These are such handy tips! I struggle with knowing how to prepare for seminars so these will be vital. Thank you so much for sharing!
Commented on / Seminar Preparation Tips
Games nights are a great idea because people who want to drink can and those who don't have the option not to!x
Commented on / Fun Things To Do At Uni WITHOUT Drinking
They so totally are! The small gestures are really the ones that get me the the tough times! x
Commented on / It’s The Small Things
They definitely do! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Commented on / It’s The Small Things
Definitely! Just a little bit everyday can stop you from burning out. Thank you for reading!
Commented on / What Is Self Care Anyway?
There’s definitely so much to celebrate in autumn! Thanks for reading and taking the time to share!
Commented on / Celebrating Autumn Rather Than Halloween
Kindness really is so important and like you say, it costs nothing! You've so poignantly summed up why kindness is so crucial. Thank you for sharing!
Commented on / Top 5 Reasons To Be Kind.
I moved to Nottingham just over a year ago and these are all the reasons I love it so much! It really is a brilliant city!
Commented on / 5 Reasons to Visit Nottingham
These are super helpful tips! I've always struggled with creating a CV so these will be super handy. Thanks so much for sharing!
Commented on / Your Resume: Your Sell Sheet
They’re such good ideas of things to do together. I especially love the idea of a games night! Thank you so much for reading and for sharing! Xx
Commented on / Fun Things To Do At Uni WITHOUT Drinking
Uni is definitely teaching me that I have no patience- housemates are the best for seeing how far they can push the boundaries of it before I snap. Admittedly they don’t have to push them very far ???? x
Commented on / Lessons I Learned at University
These are such important tips! University can be one of the worst times for mental health and so it’s important to know how to look after you mental well being x
Commented on / Student Mental Health Tips: 5 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health at University
These are brilliant ideas! I'm always in too much of rush to eat breakfast but these seem like quick ways to make sure I get something to eat to start my day. Especially the granola bowl which I can make the day before. Thanks for sharing! Xx
Commented on / 5 Easy on-the-go breakfast ideas you NEED to try this Autumn
I must admit, carving a pumpkin is the only thing I’ve ever done for Halloween. But it certainly was fun! Xx
Commented on / Celebrating Autumn Rather Than Halloween
It’s definitely true that the customer isn’t always right. I had a customer kick off because the particular style of pen she wanted came with black ink not blue. As you say, some customers are just a pain!
Commented on / Important Lessons I Learned From Working in Retail
Such helpful tips for how we can all be a little bit more eco-friendly. Small changes can make a big difference when it comes to saving our planet!
Commented on / Eco Anxiety; The Earth Is Dying
Me time is so important! I think that so often we can have a culture that tells us we have to be productive all the time- but actually, taking time for ourselves is vitally important. Thank you so much for sharing!
Commented on / Why ‘Me’ Time Is Important For The Soul
Taking regular breaks is essential! Mine tend to become super long breaks so setting myself a timer will be a super helpful thing to try. Thanks for sharing!
Commented on / Staying Productive When You’re Easily Distracted
I completely agree Amy, Christmas is the perfect time to be showing a little extra kindness! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for your lovely comments ???? xx
Commented on / Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
Thanks for your lovely comments Jayne! ???? I have no doubt you're doing a brilliant job in teaching your children the meaning of kindness! X
Commented on / Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
Definitely! I totally agree that starting at home is the perfect way to learn how to be kind to other people. Thanks for reading!! 🙂
Commented on / Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
These are such handy tips. Especially having set time for going through worries- I lose so much of my day to worrying so this will be such a handy tool! Thanks for sharing!xx
Commented on / 3 Tips To Help Calm Your Worries
I think the both the books and the films have their own individual strengths. However, I must agree, I do love how much more detail there is in the books!
Commented on / 5 Books You Won’t Be Able To Put Down
For sure, kindness is so often underrated but it’s such an important quality to have. When I look back at the people who’ve shown me kindness, they’re the ones who’ve brightened my days the most- and they probably don’t even know it!!
Commented on / Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
I love everything about this! I fing that a social media detox every now and again does wonders for the soul!
Commented on / Social Media Detox
All of Giovanna’s books are brilliant! She has such an easy-to-read style of writing and I absolutely love it! I haven’t read the latest in the Me Before You series yet, but it’s on my list of books to get!
Commented on / 5 Books You Won’t Be Able To Put Down
I love everything about this! Especially the quotes at the end! If we reframe how we see success, everything changes!
Commented on / Success…. How do you Define It?
I was ghosted by my best friend. It was so hard! I had to remind myself that I’d find new friends but even then the same level of trust was hard to initially find
Commented on / To The Friend That Ghosted Me.
Such a lovely post! We often talk about making time for self care, but nobody actually says what that looks like in practical terms. Thank you so much for sharing.
Commented on / How to Practice Self-Care
Definitely! I always find that taking myself off for some time alone is the best way forward when I have a bad day! It’s always okay to look after yourself!
Commented on / Looking After Me
100% nobody feels okay all the time. It’s important that we realise that and look after ourselves when we’re not feeling our best!
Commented on / Looking After Me
I really struggle with waking up at the same time each day because my schedule is so varied. Some days I get home super late and some days I start really early. However, I love positive affirmations! I have a list of them on my bedroom wall and each morning I choose a few to start my day off with. It just gives the morning a positive energy from the get go!
Commented on / 5 Steps to a more Positive Morning
I’ve never done a long distance relationship- in fact it’s been one of my biggest fears! You seem to be doing it so well and you’ve given such helpful tips that you’ve shown me that it is a possibility for the future if necessary. Thank you! Xx
Commented on / here’s the tea- long distance relationships
I often think that each new season is a chance for a new start! It’s so refreshing to know that the last few months can be put to rest and the future can be focused on!
Commented on / Getting a fresh start with fall: 4 must have tips
These are brilliant tips for when we're feeling low! We all have times when we're not feeling our best and it's so important to be gentle with ourselves in these times. It's okay not to be okay, but what's not okay is not looking after ourselves when we're not feeling our best. Thank you for sharing these tips, which I'm sure will help so many people!
Commented on / 3 Tips To Help You Cope When You’re Having A Low Week
I'm an introvert and had never thought of running as a way of recharging. Thanks so much for sharing!!
Commented on / Re-Energising on the run, life as an introvert
I love autumn too, for all the reasons you've listed above!
Commented on / What Excites Me Most About Autumn
This is such a helpful blog post, thank you!!
Commented on / How to deal with negative thoughts
Totally! It's not about shying away from debate but learning how to engage healthily in them!
Commented on / Learning To Argue Well
I couldn't agree more! It's become so hard to go about your daily business without somebody wanting to know what you're doing. It's a hard one to navigate and something I think we could all work on a little bit more.
Commented on / “Why Are You Still Single?” And Other Questions I Wish People Would Stop Asking
Learning how to cook has been a godsend at uni! I tend to batch cook healthy meals and then freeze them so that when I have late finishes I don't have to faff about with cooking, I can just pop a meal in the microwave and be done with it.
Commented on / Learning to cook
Thank you so much for sharing this Cheryl! I'd never thought about how me going to uni affected my mum- only how it would affect me, so thank you so much!!
Commented on / To My Beautiful Daughter- Uni Moving Day
Brilliant post! I'll definitely be trying some of these tips!
Commented on / 5 Tips To Improve Your Sleeping Habits
Such a brilliant blog Lisa! Thanks for sharing such great tips about managing social media! I do however think it's healthy to set limits on the time that we're spending on social media to make sure it's not taking over our lives.
Commented on / Social Media: Friend or Foe?
Thank you for being so open and sharing your experiences Alice! I’m sure they’ll really help some people xx
Commented on / My Uni Reality
It's definitely worth a watch! Hope you enjoy it!xx
Commented on / The 5 Shows I’m Loving Right Now
I'm definitely much closer to my family when I'm away than when I'm at home. I must admit that I feel the same way as you when I come home. The little things like the kitchen being rearranged can really be overwhelming. It's strange isn't it!xx
Commented on / How Moving Away For University Changed My Relationship With My Family
These are brilliant tips which will be super helpful for freshers. I'd also add that you open yourself up to meeting people however that may present itself- I met one of my closest friends because I got lost on campus during freshers so friendships can grow from anywhere!
Commented on / How to Survive Freshers Week: Lessons I Learned in My First Year
Love these ideas! I’ve also recently discovered Morsbags as an alternative to shopping bags- they’re made out of fabric that was otherwise going to be binned so are more sustainable in that way x
Commented on / 14 Ideas on Becoming More Eco-Friendly
This is such a brilliant blog! I really found that having a good self care routine during my time in college made it so much easier for me to get through the gruelling study time. Thank you for sharing!x
Commented on / The Importance of Self Care In College
Thank you Amy for writing this blog! It's so good to look at how far you've come and to do it in such a public way must have taken some courage!x
Commented on / Dear Fourteen Year Old Me…
These are great tips for people just about to start uni!! I’d also add to the list spending time with family and friends. On the days that I’m feeling most home sick the memories that I made in the lead up to uni are the most valuable!
Commented on / Nine things to do before University.
Thank you for this post Paul! These tips are definitely super helpful for doing well at university! They'll be especially helpful for freshers who are just about to start their university journey
Commented on / University tips to be at the top of your game
These are brilliant tips! I always skip breakfast because I've left myself no time so I'll definitely be giving these a try!
Commented on / No time for breakfast? Try this method in less than 5 minutes
Thank you for taking the time to write this blog post! The way that you’ve opened up about your own journey has been super helpful in starting to make me think about the way I’m actually feeling when I look at myself. THANK YOU!!!
Commented on / Why FAT is not a feeling.
These apps sound great as a way of increasing productivity, thanks for sharing!! I personally find that headspace works best for me in an evening so that I can wind down and separate my work day from my chill time so that I’m more rested in the morning. Thanks for sharing!
Commented on / The Top Productivity Apps to Start Your Day
This is a really insightful and helpful post. Thank you so much for sharing!
Commented on / 7 Tips for a Struggling Empath
Thank you so much for this post! I'm definitely a what-if-er so these tips will be a massive help to me!
Commented on / A Gentle Guide For “What-If-Ers”
Like you I had to use clearing- I'm now about to start second year. Whilst at the time it felt like the worst thing in the world to have been rejected, I know that I'm so much happier where I am now! Like you said- using clearing isn't the end of the world, it's just the universe telling you that you're meant to be somewhere else.
Commented on / My Clearing Story
This is such a handy article! I really wish I'd read it before I'd applied for uni as it would have made my choice a lot easier.
Commented on / University Degree Courses – 8 Things to Consider Before Applying
These are brilliant ideas! The summer break is long and already it's starting to feel boring. These ideas will help give me something to do before going back to uni. Thanks for sharing!
Commented on / Summer ideas.
This is a brilliant guide for dealing with exam stress! I wish I'd read it before my last lost of exams. I'm definitely going to save the tips for my next lot of exams. Thank you for sharing!
Commented on / What should I do if I feel stress before exams?
These are really handy tips! Money is really tight as a student and so these will help me to make a little bit of extra money and my budget stretch further. Thanks for sharing!
Commented on / 10 Ways to Make Money
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I’ve just finished my first year and reading this has reminded me that even though I find it difficult and have had to be talked out of dropping out many times when I look back on my experience it will all be worth it. What a brilliant post!
Commented on / What I Wish I’d Known When I Was At University.
This is such a handy list for freshers to use as a basis for packing! I wish I’d seen it before I went to uni last year- I would have helped me know what was essential and what wasn’t
Commented on / What do I need to take to uni halls?
Such a brilliant post! I’ve just finished first year and I’ve loved volunteering this year. Reading this has helped me to see the impact that it will have on my career prospects beyond the impact that it has now.
Commented on / Why Volunteer whilst at University?
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