Joseph Meyer
Member since Aug 2019

Why Taking a Break From Work and School is Important
Over the course of my twenty plus year career in college and work, I have found that taking a break from college and work has really helped my mental health. Some of you may be think why in the world would I want to slow down, not work or not go to school? Well for […]

Learning on a Budget and Still be Successful
At a very young age, many of us are encouraged to go to college, get an education so that we will have the earning potential needed to be successful in our life and be self-sufficient. As someone who went to college, I agree that college can help you be successful in your career, but it’s […]

Preparing For College, Skills You Need to Succeed
Going to a college or university can be one of the best experiences one can have with new opportunities. As a former college professor, I had the honor and privilege to teach students of all ages from eighteen to sixties. The students I taught all had different life stories that made them unique in what […]

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose After College
Finding our place in the world is so important to many, including myself, but the world is a big place, even if you’re living in a small town, the world can seem even smaller. Going through years of education from kinder to college, a lot can be packed in all those years. Depending on where […]

Benefits of Living at Home While at Uni
You have just been accepted to University, your excitement is bubbling, nervous about what’s to come, thinking about university, Live at Home or Stay in the Dorms, tough choice. Many will opt to live at the Dorms, Freedom at last, away from Parents, siblings, the crowded house, always having to share a bathroom. Remember when […]

Your Job Application Was Just Rejected, Now What?
Applying for Job can be one the most stressful situations one will face in their lifetimes, the interviewing, the waiting, sometimes the testing to land that perfect role and then you get it, the dreaded e-mail. That dreaded e-mail that states so plainly very similar to this one: Everyone’s organization has some variation of this […]

Hit the Workforce or Uni after Secondary school
Going to college as a young adult, especially right out of High School or Secondary school, you officially are on your own so to speak. You now must learn to manage on your own, whether that means buying your own food, paying rent, or even purchasing a car that you must pay for. Yes, many […]

I am Failing Uni, How to Recover Quick
Attending a university or college can and will be stressful for anyone, especially for a student right out of high school or secondary school. I can truthfully say that I may not have been as prepared at I should have been. Although High school tries to prepare you the best way they can, it’s not […]

10 Things All College Freshman Need To Know
Attending college is one of the most important times in one’s life and for many there is so much you need to know to prepare for that first year and every year after that. College is somewhat like a jungle at first, so welcome to the jungle, but don’t fret I got you covered. Here […]

What I Would Have Done Differently While in Uni
Based on the title you probably figured that I am no longer in College, some of us ERM’s are past those years, but find that’s important to discuss our mistakes, what we would have done differently in those years because those are the years that build a foundation for the future. I have had the […]

Preparing For The Holidays, Are you Stressed Yet?
Oh, there’s nothing like the holiday’s, a time of thanksgiving, joy and the occasional family argument over the dinner table. For some of us the holidays are not the most joyous times they can often be the most stressful times. Growing up I have had countless bad holidays where I went in with the thought […]

Getting The Job You Want Takes Strategy, What’s Yours?
Looking for a job and or career can be one of the most stressful events one may have in their life as it is no longer as simple as walking in getting the job and their there for the next forty years. Nope now as professionals you will need to have a strategy to stand […]

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Living in the 21st century Social Media has become a part of our daily lives, as we use it to keep in touch with just about everything from followers, friends and family, the news and basically anything that goes on in the world today. For some Social Media is the best thing since sliced bread […]

The Difficulty of Choosing a College Major
Choosing a college major can be one of the most difficult decisions one can make especially if you are just finishing secondary school. When I graduated High School, I immediately went to college focused on a career in the Merchant Marines, a program very unique that it didn’t have the traditional college environment. For one […]

When Depression Takes Hold While in Uni
Depression is one of those terms that can mean a lot to different people as there several severities of depression. For someone like myself who has suffered in the past especially during my University years it was particularly difficult. Being that may students will soon be coming back from Holiday break; this time of year, […]

Declutter Your Life in The New Year
The word clutter what does that word recall, if anything in my mind it brings other words like mess, trash and hording for some reason. I must admit ever since a young age I have always been a saver of almost everything from books, school papers, report cards, Birthday cards, receipts and the list goes […]

How self-reflection helps my mental health
I often look back on my life and think to myself how I have changed over the years, what milestones in my life help create who I am today. Some of those major life events include getting my college degrees, getting married and having my daughter. These were some of the happiest moments in my […]

Working multiple jobs – surviving the woke world
We are now in the age that it no longer takes one job to pay the bills but now it can take two or even three to put food on the table. Why has this changed the dynamics in how we work and enjoy life, well there are many different factors some completely out of […]

I have never voted, today I will – here’s why
Living in the United States we are in an election year, one I feel it shape the future of our country for good or bad. For those reading this, you may be in a country like the U.S or the U.K. when you are faced with new leadership. I like to see both sides of […]

Online Learning is Not What it’s Crack Up to Be or Is It?
For the last nine years, I’ve had my share of teaching in both a classroom and in an online format. For some instructors online is preferable because you simply can log in, conduct your lecture or even have something pre-loaded and set it on autopilot. I know those who primarily teach online will probably disagree […]

Being Kinder During These Stressful Times
The panic in today’s world is off the charts it seems with the current events of COVID-19, high unemployment and pure instability. Now I can only speak for the United States as this is a global situation. Since our lives have been rocked in the US with over 140,000 deaths, many due to COVID-19 has […]

Unplugging From Social Media and My Mental Health
Times are tough as much of the world struggles with the effects of COVID, lock downs, unemployment, death, media and politics. Boy that is a mouthful of what is happening in our world and I like many of you have been affected. For one month now I have made a dedicated effort to withdraw from […]

Caring for Family While in Uni
Maintaining relationships can be tough, especially when you’re going to college, whether you are just out of secondary school or going later in Life. I personally had the privilege of living at home while at college, but it was incredibly difficult maintaining relationships not only because I always had a strange relationship with my parents, […]

The Bands of 90’s and 2000’s that Defined Me
Most of us have a love for music as music allows each of us to feel a certain emotion even evoking memories of good and bad. I am no different as someone who is a generation X’er I have had many decades of music I can choose from. Mind you I don’t really listen to […]

Don’t let imposter syndrome bring you down
Starting a new job and career can be on the most nerve-racking experiences one can have in their life no matter how many jobs or career changes you have. For some and even many, you may experience what is called Imposter Syndrome. Don’t worry it’s perfectly curable and it’s more common than you. In my […]

Tis the Season to Be More Kind
Tis the season to merry as we all attempt to enjoy one of the strangest and hardest years known to many of us. Whether you live in the United States or across the pond we are all suffering together with COVID, high unemployment and many are going hungry and on the verge of homelessness. It […]

Changing Your Job Due to a Toxic Work Environment
You may be saying to yourself, but I hate my current job, I can not stand my boss, or my co-workers and the environment is just toxic. Well, then those are the reason why it may be time to get out and start searching. I can say that most of us have all been there, […]

Becoming an Intern Can Lead You to Your New Career After College
You will decide on my many different options on how to kickstart your career. The questions you will be asking yourself is When, how, where will your first career opportunity takes place for many that start is becoming an intern, a way to build those skills in your field of choice. Interning has always been […]

A Stealth Job Search While Employed, How To Get It Done!
Looking for a new job can be one the most nerve-racking experience one can experience, but how about adding in the fact that you are already employed. For many out there you will soon realize that your current employer may just be a pit stop to bigger and better opportunities. The challenge is how do […]

I Was Fired From My Job, Now What?
Getting fired is painful, one of those situations we all try to forget, but it happens. All to often we get comfortable in our jobs for those who work for an organization/company everything seems be going great and then suddenly you get a dreaded call “Can you stop by HR, we need to discuss something […]

Starting the New Year with a New Attitude!
New year, new challenges, new you. Kicking off the new year there appear to be so many expectations for ourselves and our lives. As far as I can remember I have always thought about self-improvement. Deep down I always felt unfinished as I struggled with self esteem and acceptance of myself. As a young child […]

Overcoming fear in tough times
I know there are probably going to be tons of advice out there not to panic with our world pandemic going on concerning the Corona Virus or COVID-19 and that may be easy to say but it seriously does disrupts our lives in ways we are not used to and hope that this situation does […]

Being Thankful When It’s Difficult!
Twenty-Twenty has been one heck of year as much of the world is entrenched with COVID-19, many on the verge of poverty and homelessness. I know It seems pretty bleak as someone who lives in the United States it was been particularly difficult with lockdowns, with the family home and homeschooling. I obviously shouldn’t complain […]

Why I Have so Much Trouble with My Self-Worth
Where it All Begin Throughout my life from a wee lad I have always been someone who felt I had no value in this life as I grew up with a mother, father, sibling, aunts and uncles the whole nine yards. But early in my childhood after Mom and dad divorced and we moved in […]

Help Those Who Struggle with Mental Illness
Mental Illness, Depression, Anxiety, Bi-Polar, PTSD, the list goes on to the terms used to distinguish those who suffer with mental illness. Mental Illness is a word you tend to hear a lot about now more than ever as those who suffer are no longer hiding in the shadows but speaking up, seeking help and […]

Losing Your Job in a Pandemic and How to Recover
The fear of losing your job for anyone is particularly frightening for anyone, even more so during a global pandemic. In my twenty-plus years working I have lost my job a few times. The first was one of my very first jobs as I was laid off due to the company restructuring. I was young […]

Get the best out of your life’s path
The mental focus it takes to live life can be overwhelming at times, thinking about my life, your life can be a daunting task, but know you are not alone. All to often we are taught to take certain roles and paths. I often I think about our belief systems, our goals, what we are […]

Making It On Your Own after Uni and Suceeding
The fear of making it on your own after college or university is real and quite honesty scary for many including myself but it can be done. Growing up I can honestly say that I had a mother who took care of my sister and me, provided for me like any good parent not fully […]

Dealing with Mental Illness During a Pandemic
Suffering from mental illness can be a never-changing situation that millions experience daily, but how about adding our current pandemic. For most who are aware we are going through a health crisis with COVID-19. A virus that has taken hold of much of the world. As someone who has battled with Depression and Anxiety for […]

Should You Accept a Job You Really Don’t Want?
We are certainty in times of adversity, especially here in the United States where the total unemployed is around thirty-three million, yes you read that right, which would put us a rate of over 15%. That is a significant amount that has put many in turmoil over the current pandemic taking our world by storm. […]

Accepting Yourself in Today’s World
Recently I had the pleasure to watch Rocketman the bio pic of Sir Elton John and I must say I quite impressed with his life and the impact he has made with his music and just his humanity throughout the world. Now mind you I am not sure how accurate this story to the real […]

My Road to a Better Me Starting with My Weight
This year has been unlike any other year with COVID, the pandemic and shutdowns resulting in many of us struggling to be healthy. Now if you have maintained an active lifestyle and were not about to let a pandemic stop you then I applaud you. Prior to March 2020 I was regularly hitting the gym […]

Why I Never Feel Good Enough, You Can overcome these Feelings Too!
For some feelings of inadequacy is something we tend to carry around throughout our lives, even though many will say you should not. Yes, we are all different have different talents, strengths and weaknesses. As an instructor to college-age students I have had my share of teaching students from all walks of life which has […]

The Loss of Enjoyment in These Times and How to Get it Back
We are times many of us have never experienced before due to COVID-19 pandemic with so much loss of life and being forced to stay home for our protection and the protection of others. We are all going through this situation differently. For someone like myself who has a family, a wife and daughter to […]

How Creating a Pod Cast will Help my Mental Health
As a blogger It brings me joy to write words of encouragement, display my feelings, emotions and my story in print for all to see. I am so thankful to give content to all of you because deep down I know it may help many of you go through some of things I go through. […]

Why Hate is Not The Answer, We Can Do Better!
Living in the United States we have seen the rise of Hate that I have never seen before, but in all honestly maybe I never noticed or paid attention. I am paying attention now as in recent weeks and months we have seen Riots, Protests, Killings on top of the pandemic that has taken over […]

How Writing Can Help Un-Tap Your Creative Side and Heal at The Same Time
Being a writer is one of the most important passions in my life today and as I get older, I grow to love other creative ways to express myself. To stick with writing for a moment, I have considered myself a writer then probably the age of twelve. Growing up I will say I did […]

Living In Regret and How to Overcome It
Regret can be something that eats away at you if you don’t rectify it quickly and gain some perspective. Many of you may agree with this statement as I have come to reflect on regret a lot in my life and I think many of us do at times. To put this in perspective, recently […]

Can You Really be Anything You Set Your Mind To?
I often think of my life, my life choices past, present and future like most of us. Time seems to slip away so quickly as I reflect on the time right after completing high school which was about twenty-two years ago. Since then, my life has changed so drastically but certain parts have remained undoubtedly […]

Will Going To College Always Lead to a Better Life?
Going to University can be one of the best decisions one makes for their lives as this give you opportunity to take your mind into new horizons. For some going to college is a lifelong goal in life from when you were in grade school. Many choose to go to college later in life after […]

The Importance of our Ancestry and Documenting it
The importance of our family history many times goes undocumented and although we will always be connected to our ancestry, their lives, thoughts and how they lived their lives is lost. So why not start your own tradition of documenting your family history.

Getting passed up for promotion is painful, but it’s the push you need
Being in the workforce for over twenty years, that’s right Twenty years you learn a lot about your career, not only in the means of who you are and who you want to become but those in your life who will stand in your way to success. Don’t ever let that stop you from pursuing […]

Working from Home For the First Time
Working at home can be both a blessing and a curse as I am officially allowed to work from home due to our world pandemic. I guess I can say I always wanted to know what it was like to work from home, as I was aware there are many fields that offer opportunities to […]

Why Its Important to Listen to Your Own Voice!
Today we live in a world of social media, media and influencers who do everything in their power to influence how we view ourselves, how we should live our life and what we should consider as important. At times this angers me as someone who writes blogs for Need to Live, I work to give […]

Is The Body Positivity Social Movement Toxic?
Growing up I was often the overweight kid as I think back over my life, taking a looking into my history and the photo album. Pictures of my youth as a young boy who had a normal weight, thin and healthy but as I got older my weight ballooned as I looked no longer healthy. […]

Dealing with Stress, Depression and Aniexty Durning the Holidays Amist COVID
The holidays can be one of the most difficult times to get through lasting two long months of November to December starting as early as October for some as the reminders start to come earlier each year. Thanksgiving and especially Christmas can lead to many to fall into depression and even many leading to suicide. […]

Are You a Scrooge or a Cratchit? How these Two Figures Can Teach Us About Money in The New Year
The holidays can be filled with joy, good food, family and stress not necessarily in that order, so you can imagine why the holidays are dreaded at times. One of my favorite pastimes is movies and boy are there a ton of them from comedies, dramas to horror and all in between. Many of the […]

New Year Resolutions Yay or Nay?
The new year is upon us! Honestly, I feel your hesitation to see if it’s worth getting excited about. I can say for myself I am more of Nay to resolutions, not saying there anything wrong with having them but I personally do make those promises. Making New Year Resolutions We hear all too often […]

How Getting Covid Awakened Me To My Gifts
The start of 2022, did not start out as planned, having caught COVID in early January. Not thinking I was immune and couldn’t catch it, I knew it was a possibility. I was very careful to follow the rules, keep my distance, wear my mask and I was vaccinated. Again, I know vaccination is by […]

Igniting That Flame to Hit the Gym Once and For All
For many years now I have become someone to encourages you to hit the gym, not necessarily to lose weight, although that is a reason to go, but for a healthier state of mind. Growing up I was always on the pudgier side, not that there is anything wrong with that, its just that it […]

How attempting suicide changed my perspective and Life
The life changing moment in the making It was February 7th, 2007, I was 27 years old and depressed, fully of anxiety and ready to throw in the towel. Like so many at that age, it’s a tough age. I am educated having been a few years out of university and studying for my graduate […]

Why I should Give Up Social Media and Be Happier!
For those of you who are just reading the title of this piece, many of you may just stroll by and say to yourself, well I have heard this message before. In some instances, you may be correct where how many articles, blogs and pieces of writing can one write on those giving up social […]

Shut Up! – How being told to be quiet in the workplace was the root cause of feeling worthless in my career and life.
For many who read this you may be able to relate to this, but for some you are part of the problem by feeling it necessary to tell those in your workplace to be quiet, not speak and even to shut your mouth. Sad to say I have been told this and even quite recently. […]

Credit Cards in College, Yay! or Nay
Credit Cards, some of you may be saying YES! I have one or some may say yeah, I have those. Credit Cards can be a great tool to help you build credit or ruin it. As a college student Credit Cards have been around especially for you, although there are stricter rules to obtain them, […]

Is it ok to hate yourself?
Is it ok to hate yourself? Most would say NO! But I did for most of my adult life. Throughout my childhood and into adulthood I was told by a grandparent I was worthless, an *expletive* up and never amount to anything and for the most part he was right because I let his words […]

Getting Second Chances is Possible in Life and Career!
Second chances are always appreciated in our lives whether it’s a second chance at a relationship or a career or to rebuild. I can honestly say I have gotten a few second chances in life especially after my Suicide attempt in 2007. At that point in my life which I was in my mid-twenties I […]

Accomplishments, Milestones and Failures ; Making the Best Out of Any Situation!
In our lifetime we will experience success, failures, and milestones. These are the things that make up a good part of our life and we should recognize each of them as they are all . Throughout my life I honestly did not recognize any of these, but I did focus on my failures mostly although […]

How anger can help fuel the better you!
For most of my adulthood and childhood I can honestly say I was not happy, I was depressed and even at point suicidal. Much of these feeling stems from my childhood and how I was raised. Having a daughter who is now nine years old I relish at being her father and always there for […]

What the great resignation has taught us and why we should listen for careers sake!
Are we as valued as our employers say we are? For some they would say Yes my employer values me and treats me as such. But for most I don’t think this is true as I have seen firsthand “The Great Resignation” take place in our country and possibly even globally. Having lived in the […]

What I would tell my younger self as a generation X’er.
As a generation X’er born in 1979 and being in the workforce for over twenty years, I have learned a thing or two about what I would have done differently and how my frame of mind may have been different. Do Let people situations get to you Growing up I grew up in a home […]

The Divisiveness of today is getting to me, How do we stop it?
Is free speech truly free? Before you turn the page, this is not someone spread right wing Rhetoric about your freedoms being stripped from us. No this is about how in America we have a right to speak , but there are consequences and being held accountable for spreading hate and this goes for other […]

Krampus and St. Nick: How both Figures can Teach us to be Kind and Generous
I say hold on now, let’s not get crazy and remember the reason for season which is Not only the celebration of Jesus our savior but of kindness, generosity towards one another. We are certainty in difficult times, and this will NOT be the last time society and the world suffers at the hands of […]

A New You is Just Around The Corner for 2023 :Change Your Perspective
Happy New Year 2023! What the new year means to me, to you, to the world. It means something different for everyone. Some create resolutions for the new year to be new person, new goals. I am often reminded of when I would attend my local gym, a 24-hour fitness which by the way is […]

How to Survive Being Laid Off in 2023
The pain of being laid off is affecting thousands, but mostly in big tech. It saddens me to say I was just laid off and although I did not work or one of the major big tech companies like Twitter, Alphabet and others we were still apart of financial tech. Here is a recent article […]

The Rise Of Layoff’s and How to Combat Them in Today’s Job Market
Losing one’s job is painful, it can be one of the most destructive events happening in ones life. I should know I have been through a few of them. Most recently I was laid off March 2nd, 2023. An unexpected shock as the organization I worked for gave no indication there would be any form […]

Thank you so much for reading. It sounds like you have a much healthier use of social media then I do. Your right the original concept that’s gradually changed and continues to change.
Commented on / Why I should Give Up Social Media and Be Happier!
This was very personal to me and I’m so glad it resonates with you. I encourage you to write your post and tell the world. Yes I too have my personal blog and that’s all I need truly. The reason I got social media was originally to build a platform for my writing but unfortunately I lost my way. I’m trying my best to get off social media. It’s turned into a hate filled place and getting worse. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Commented on / Why I should Give Up Social Media and Be Happier!
Thank you so much for reading. It’s something we can learn to grow from and not let rule our life. I know one size doesn’t fit all for dealing with this but we can overcome it.
Commented on / Living In Regret and How to Overcome It
I encourage you write to your Hearts content. Start with a simple journal and go from there it does wonders for our minds and it feels you unload any baggage in the process. Thank you for reading .
Commented on / How Writing Can Help Un-Tap Your Creative Side and Heal at The Same Time
Absolutely I know its a personal choice, but I think its important to have guidance. One of the problems I had is I didn't have a lot of guidance in choosing a career path. Its not so easy to choose a career path, get a degree and come to find out you really don't like Business or engineering. Although the knowledge is not lost in a way you lost time to make a more calculated decision. This affects me to this day, that is why I recommend to take a breather after high school to really decide what you want to do. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / Will Going To College Always Lead to a Better Life?
Thank you for your comment. I know it’s easier said then done especially when some are losing their jobs due to this situation but it will pass. We all just need to do our part.
Commented on / Overcoming fear in tough times
Thank you for reading and your comments. I know it’s easier said than done at times but possible.
Commented on / Get the best out of your life’s path
Thank you for reading and your comments. There is so much we can discover with self reflection. For myself it has done wonders to put things in perspective for me.
Commented on / How self-reflection helps my mental health
Your very welcome. Just know you are unique like no one else with your path unlike others. We need to just appreciate that and know we all have a journey. I need to stop comparing myself to others and their success, because I have my own we all do. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / How self-reflection helps my mental health
Great point ! Definitely real world experience is key but sad to say many times employers make it difficult to give inexperience a chance and internships paid or unpaid can help. Your right your time is valuable but many employers will try to spin that they are giving you a gift of experience but that doesn’t help you financially they get free labor. Thank you for be able advocate for those who go out for internships.
Commented on / Becoming an Intern Can Lead You to Your New Career After College
Welcome and enjoy all the other great content there is to be offered. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / Discovering Your Life’s Purpose After College
Yes it really is quite sad what those with mental illness struggle with always feeling hopeless. We need to devote more resources and be more kind to those who suffer.
Commented on / Help Those Who Struggle with Mental Illness
Thank you so very important when we don’t know how to help those we may not completely understand.
Commented on / Help Those Who Struggle with Mental Illness
Thank you for your kind words . I’m glad it helped you and your trying to manage your finances responsibly.
Commented on / Credit Cards in College, Yay! or Nay
Awesome! I think like many of us have impulse control issues that we want things now. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / Credit Cards in College, Yay! or Nay
That’s wonderful news! Along the way you find what works best for you and your style of learning.
Commented on / What I Would Have Done Differently While in Uni
Great! I know there are so many out there. Boy wish I could go back and redo some things. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / What I Would Have Done Differently While in Uni
I am glad you loved the article, I know this may not fit everyone's life, but its important to know that we all struggle with finding purpose at times, it takes time and patience. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / Discovering Your Life’s Purpose After College
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Recent posts
The Rise Of Layoff’s and How to Combat Them in Today’s Job Market

How to Survive Being Laid Off in 2023

A New You is Just Around The Corner for 2023 :Change Your Perspective

Krampus and St. Nick: How both Figures can Teach us to be Kind and Generous

The Divisiveness of today is getting to me, How do we stop it?

Thank you for your kind words. Yes I have found reading a good book definitely gets my mind off the bad news of the day. Thank you for reading.
Commented on / Why I should Give Up Social Media and Be Happier!