Jayne Harrington
Member since Jul 2019

Studying around your Family – Top Tips
Are you a parent, and also studying? Then here are some top tips on how to fit studying in around your family life. Schedule your Study time Family life can be hectic and busy most of the time. Add in studying alongside being a parent, and you begin to wonder, how on earth am I […]

5 Ways to enjoy Hygge this Autumn
What is Hygge? Hygge (pronounced Hoo-gah) is a Danish word, and, is described by Collins Dictionaries as the practice of creating ‘cosy and congenial environments that promote emotional well being’. For many of us our lives are so fast pace that we often forget to stop for a while, slow down and relax. We always […]

5 Steps to a more Positive Morning
Do you struggle to wake up in the morning? Are your mornings same old, same old? Here are 5 ways you can turn your dull mornings into a more positive one. Get up at the same time every day Your body will get used to getting up at the same time. Eventually you may even […]

Date Night Ideas on a Budget
A date night doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s time for you and your other half to catch up, have some time just the two of you, to make memories and just have fun! Sofa, movie and popcorn This is a great date night if money is tight one month. Maybe you could watch that […]

Best Books for Mums!
I thought I would share my three favourite parenting related books, that I’m reading at the moment! Calm Parents, Happy Kids While many parenting books focus on changing a child’s behaviour, this book addresses the fact that children can only change when their relationship with their parents change. Dr. Laura Markham introduces an approach to […]

How my Relationships Changed after Children
Its completely normal for relationships to change once you start a family. Some relationships will drift apart, others will become stronger than ever, and you will find that you make new relationships long the way. My other half The father to my children. If its even possible I love him more now than before children. […]

Social Media Do you Spend too much time on it?
I am guilty of spending to much time procrastinating, especially scrolling through social media. One search leads to another and before you know it an hour has passed by and you have realised you’ve barely said two words to those around you. Recently I have found ways to switch off my phone, get away from […]

Lets Talk Instagram Engagement
Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users 50% of those users are scrolling through their feeds every day. As a result of having so many active users, Instagram uses algorithms to dictate the order of the posts that users see when scrolling. These algorithms are based on specific signals, they prioritise posts, pushing the […]

How to have an Eco Friendly Christmas
Have you ever thought about how much waste there is around Christmas? With wrapping paper, plastic packaging, food waste it all adds up, how many times do you have bags next to your wheely bins once the New Year arrives? I know I used to have at least two extra bags of rubbish. So how […]

Christmas Day – Help! I need somebody!
Help! Not just anybody! I’m hosting Christmas day this year for the very first time! Now if you read my last post, you’ll know that I’m not a total fan of Christmas. But I do love the family time and I love a big Christmas dinner, and a drinky or two! So this year I […]

My Love-Hate Relationship with Christmas
Christmas….oh how I love and hate thee I have a big love-hate relationship with Christmas for a variety of reasons. Don’t worry I’m not some scrooge who goes round saying bah-humbug all December! Bah humbug! It’s one big expense, and I’d say possibly the biggest of the year, but why? So people can show off […]

A letter to my Children
I’m writing this letter sat at my desk while you watch your dad cook our usual Sunday roast. Sebastian you are 3, Ophelia you are 2 and Rosalie you are 1. Life for us, right now, is good. It’s by no means perfect and there’s lots of changes in the years to come for all […]

Easy Autumn/Winter Meals
Autumn and winter is the time for warm hearty comfort foods, but if like me you don’t get much time to cook then these dishes will save you time and you will still get your tasty meals to warm you up on those chilly days. All of these meals are slow cooker and family-friendly. I […]

Top Tips for being more Mindful
Being mindful means bringing your complete attention into ‘the moment’. Being more present within your environment, thoughts and feelings without judgement and without trying to change too much. Just acknowledge it and accept those thoughts and feelings. It is said that practising mindfulness has many benefits including, increased empathy and compassion, increased happiness, improved sleep […]

Family Friendly Films you need to watch this winter
What’s better than on a cold evening, snuggling up on the sofa with your little ones and watching a film? Sometimes it’s hard to know what to pick, so I’ve made a list of films you won’t want to miss out on! Best movies for toddlers A bugs life Charlotte’s Web How to train your […]

Saving Money My Top 5 Family Tips
Having a family of 5 can get pretty expensive, but over the last three years I have almost halved our outgoings and expenses. How? Well here’s my top 5 tips for saving. I’ve based these tips around family but hopefully anyone can use these money saving tips. 1. Income, outgoings and budgets Sit down, grab […]

Your welcome thanks for reading x
Commented on / Lets Talk Instagram Engagement
Love this time of year, we have a family advent challenge that involves movies, food and games, can't wait to get started on the 1st December!
Commented on / My Top 10 Advent Activities.
I started my periods when I was 9 years old and I remember that crippling pain, I bleed heavy too. That subsided into my teens thanks to the mini pill, and then after I had my children the horrific pain restarted! It does seem to be settling down again now!
Commented on / let’s talk, periods
Great post, it really doesn't cost anything to be kind!
Commented on / Top 5 Reasons To Be Kind.
Such an important topic thank you for sharing, I've had mine!
Commented on / Why You Should Go Ahead and Book Your Cervical Screening Appointment
Lovely post, kindness really doesn't cost anything. I agree it starts at home and as a mum to three, I hope my children grow up to be kind, but as parents its our responsibility to teach them how to be kind! x
Commented on / Maybe We Could All Be A Little Kinder…
Thank you for sharing, these are all lovely accounts x
Commented on / Who You Should Be Following On Instagram
These tips are great thank you,my children are 3, 2 and 1 and it can be so hard some days to keep them all happy and entertained. I suffered PND after my second was born, and it can be so easy to fall back into that dark hole again. Now I just stay organised, ask for help if I need it and make sure I'm getting some time fr myself, to do things that I enjoy!
Commented on / Parenting with depression: 5 must have tips
I think its so important to have some time away from social media from time to time, even if its just a day or two.
Commented on / Social Media Detox
Wow, what a lovely way to see each new season! I really love autumn, getting all worm and cozy after a hot summer, there's just something special about this season!
Commented on / Getting a fresh start with fall: 4 must have tips
Lovely post, I find it so hard to fit some time for myself in with young children these tips will be really helpful thank you x
Commented on / How to Practice Self-Care
Such a lovely post thank you, I always feel so guilty for not feeling 100% especially with three babies who need me on top form. I think its so important to remind ourselves that its normal to not feel ok all of the time.
Commented on / Looking After Me
Brilliant tips, thank you for sharing. I always struggle to pick myself up if I'm having a hard week.
Commented on / 3 Tips To Help You Cope When You’re Having A Low Week
I love autumn too, for me its the changes in colour of the trees and the chance to cook warm hearty meals!
Commented on / What Excites Me Most About Autumn
Great post, I've been trying to turn off my phone about an hour before I go to bed, and instead I've been reading more and I'm finally getting through my pile of books I've been meaning to read!
Commented on / 5 Tips To Improve Your Sleeping Habits
I lived away from home for the first 6 months, I really didn't get on well, for me it was the noise. I was studying as a student nurse and we had 6 months in theory and 6 months in practice, where we would be out on the hospital wards doing shift work and I really struggled with the tiredness, I couldn't get enough sleep as University halls were pretty loud most of the time. I loved the rest of the lifestyle, but for me I had to move back home and travel in. I needed my sleep during those months were I was out in practice!
Commented on / The Struggles Of Living Away From Home
Such a lovely letter, I love reading posts like this x
Commented on / Dear Fourteen Year Old Me…
These books sound great, I may have to add them to my list, thank you for sharing!
Commented on / Three Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down
Brilliant tips, I'm so forgetful in the morning and normally always miss breakfast!
Commented on / No time for breakfast? Try this method in less than 5 minutes
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I hope they help you out! Thank you for reading
Commented on / Lets Talk Instagram Engagement