Louise Daniel
Member since Mar 2020

5 top tips for pro bloggers – let’s hear your voice
Getting your first blog out can seem daunting, but it’s not as difficult as it sounds. I had a burning desire to write for a living but I didn’t know how to go about it. I had something to say and didn’t know how to say it. After being a published writer for many years, […]

TikTok – better than boredom
Two minute read by The Oracle I’m bored. I’ve been sent home from school and probably, like you, I’m self isolating (well, with my family). Not sure if I even have exams to do this summer and prom is out of the question. So far so scary. But worse than that is the boredom. There […]

Celebrities are doing their bit and so can you
We keep hearing how these are unprecedented times. And they are. It’s true that in times of crisis the human condition is laid bare. We are seeing the best and worst of our communities right now. Our key workers are on the front line working tirelessly to ensure our safety, putting their lives on the […]

Quarantine. Like the movies? Maybe not
Two minute read by The Oracle No one was ready for this Quarantine is a very alien and no one thought there would be an outcome as weird as this within my generation. We always saw movies where things like this happen, and I’ve have played games with scenarios showing global pandemics, so this is […]

Got something to say but don’t know where to start? Here’s how
Even the most practiced writers get the dreaded block at (many) points in their career. Whatever the level you’re at, the fact is there are times when we all need a bit of nudge. I cannot count the times I have gone blank – no words, just noises – when two minutes before I was probably […]

Have you checked out Robbie Williams singalong?
Celebrities are in lock down too, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still committed to doing what they do best. Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams haven’t always been the best of mates following their Take That split, but this video clearly shows that is all behind them now. The superstars are in fine form singing […]

Have you learned a new skill during lockdown?
We all have time on our hands at the moment. Let’s face it, it’s hard to get (and stay) motivated. After you’ve binged Netflix, trawled YouTube and exhausted TikTok what then? Our MyNeedToLive Everyday Role Models are beavering away to bring you the best tips and tricks to stay positive and occupied. Have a listen […]

Probably Tomfoolery – it’s the era of realisation
This is a fabulous bit of modern poetry called The Great Realisation by British artist and poet, Probably Tomfoolery. He is a brilliant visual storyteller, who creates masterpieces for our time. Told as a retrospective bedtime story to his young children, this is a captivating and realistic interpretation of where we are currently. He reflects […]

May 18: Mental Health Awareness Day – what gets you out of bed?
We are approaching Mental Health Awareness Day on May 18. But it’s always time to hear honest, positive stories on how to overcome negative feelings when times are tough. Mental health is not always pretty, but it is human. 1 in 4 of us will experience mental health issues during our lifetime, and there are […]

Motivation? Even pro athletes need a push
Let’s face it, getting motivated can be tricky. Especially when it could mean getting out of our pyjamas. Motivational gurus and talking heads will preach about how to unlock secrets to push you forward. For the most part it’s white noise signalling the same message – ‘it’s within you, you just have to find it’. And […]

Quarantine stereotypes? Which kind are you?
Are you one of these these crazy lock down lunatics? YouTube phenomenon, Dude Perfect, has put together an hilarious take on every type of quarantiner (is that even a word?) and dedicated it to all the front line workers risking their lives to save ours. Mine? Almost shaved my head. And not for charity. True […]

Life hacks: do any of these actually work?
Everyone has a tip or trick which gives them that OMG moment. Mine was when I learned how to properly use an OXO cube and I’ve been cooking for years! But what about other hacks and tips you can find on the web? Do any of them really work or are they just time filling, […]

Why is the internet in melt down over Adele’s weight loss?
While we all wrestle with Covid-19 and its immediate and long term effects, the media has turned its attention to multi-award winning singing star, Adele, and her weight loss ‘transformation’. Is it time to put media in time out? It’s a struggle It can be tough being female. No really, it can. I’m not just talking […]

Have you seen the awesome B*tch Boss Fight Challenge?
The #BossBitchFightChallenge or #LockdownKnockdown is a who’s who of Hollywood women, fighting. This fabulously fun video has grabbed the attention of almost 600,000 YouTubers, and it’s easy to see why. Legendary stunt woman, Zoe Bell, produced and choreographed this fabulous piece of fight madness. Her A-list mates, and the stunt women who stand in for […]

Matt Lucas and Jason Manford get their tops off for the NHS
Captain Tom Moore raised £23 million for the NHS, a new tribute single has been released to raise further funds and our communities are rallying to support each other. Celebrities are doing their bit too, by keeping us occupied and showing their more human sides. Who doesn’t like to have a nosey at what their […]

Music is a great healer: Listen to Marshmello & Halsey’s Be Kind
It’s not groundbreaking news that music has been proven to make us feel good. The role of dopamine in musical pleasure and motivation is clear to anyone who whacks on the tunes and jumps around to lift their mood. We spoke about the role of dopamine. how to improve it and gave tips from pro […]

Love podcasts? Here’s our top 9
If video is the king of the internet, then podcasting is definitely the queen. With oodles of interesting spoken word content and plenty of platforms, how do you choose? Here’s a round up of some of our current favourites: That Peter Crouch Podcast While this is a little love it or loathe it (and admittedly a […]

International Nurses Day 2020: a wake up call for the human race
The world is undergoing a transformation, but is it going to last? For two months, the majority of us have been holed up at home, naval gazing. The global death toll is rising and statistics make for sobering reading, most of us are protected in our bubbles. Most of us are sitting on the sidelines, […]

Some Good News: the YouTube channel we need right now
John Krasinski’s YouTube channel Some Good News keeps getting better and better. We’re hooked and not least because we get to see inside the TV star’s home office. Drop ins from his famous USA Office pals and round ups of uplifting stories from across the internet is content which works on so many levels. […]

It’s your turn: How are you managing lodgings during lockdown?
With so much going on in the world, it’s easy to see why some slip through the cracks. But it is vital we support young adults to make sense of the their educational journey. Students are crucial to our future, they need support to find their way through uncertainty. According to the National Union of […]

Lockdown lunacy: Top 5 celebrity fails
Lock down is hard for everyone, right? As the saying goes – the grass is always greener on the other side. There are clearly different types of lockdown lunacy. Some of us are holed up with parents/friends/flatmates/relatives we are slowly getting to like or loathe. Others are happily on their own but wistfully craving a […]

Are you on TikTok?
Packed with creativity, TikTok, is easily the the most fun you can have on your smart phone right now. Experiencing the lives of others through social media isn’t anything new, but the rawness and authenticity of short personal vlogs makes for compelling viewing. Whether you watch, are an avid poster or just dabble now and […]

A window on the world – young people and lockdown
If you are curious about how young people across the world are coping with lockdown, then this short series of films is for you. The BBC asked 14 young adults from across the globe to document their experiences. The films take you on a journey and gives a fabulous snapshot of life in the time […]

Do you clap for the NHS? Why?
As a nation, the UK likes to build up heroes just to knock them down. Community movement #ClapfortheNHS is rightly getting a lot of airtime. We should show our support for the nurses, doctors, et al keeping us healthy and safe. Ordinary people led the movement to clap in support of the NHS, and now […]

Should we meet our heroes? Stormzy asks acting royalty questions
Dame Judi Dench is without doubt an international treasure. In this Vanity Fair video a whole host of recognisable stars of screen, stage and music ask her questions we all want to know the answer to. She originally wanted to be a stage designer and admits she loves to swear. Take a look as James […]

Thank you for commenting and for being so open.
Commented on / Simply Be Kind
Thanks for reading and commenting Jess
Commented on / Motivation? Even pro athletes need a push
thanks for commenting Charity - it's really interesting.
Commented on / TikTok – better than boredom
Thankyou to everyone who is commenting. These are tricky times but I know that blogs like these really help.
Commented on / Is a Pandemic the Time to Make Big Changes?
Thanks for commenting Stephanie. It's just good wholesome fun!
Commented on / Matt Lucas and Jason Manford get their tops off for the NHS
It definitely is - thank you for your comment. Stay safe 🙂
Commented on / Quarantine. Like the movies? Maybe not
Images are so important and even the best writers writers can get too close to the text sometimes. Thanks 🙂
Commented on / Essential tips for kick-ass blogs infographic
It's much easier and looks good too! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Commented on / Essential tips for kick-ass blogs infographic
Thanks 🙂
Commented on / Essential tips for kick-ass blogs infographic
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Totally agree Jasmin. Constructive feedback is a springboard to development
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