Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
There are two very common and destructive misconceptions about life. Firstly, you don’t have to be “special” to succeed, every single one of you can achieve success in its highest degree. The second misconception, a small little word called “luck.” My friends, “luck” does not exist as far as success is concerned. I can guarantee […]
Results Day… for many students it is an incredibly stressful day, many questions come to mind… “What if I don’t get the grades?”, “What if I don’t get my first choice university?”, “What if my college or sixth form aren’t happy with my grades?”… “Where do I go?”. While stressful, it isn’t anything to worry […]
I don’t know about you, but I am the worlds biggest “what-if-er”: I second guess everything, I overthink things and I panic. Sound familiar? Believe me, it used to be a lot worse, and if you think that is where you are right now, this post is the perfect place for you to be. Second […]
Growing up, peer pressure was always there. It was no surprise that during the most evolving time of my life; from puberty to university, I cared a lot about what my peers thought of me. It creates a certain level of social anxiety in those that are natural worrier’s, as I was, as you care […]
Do you find yourself feeling too much? Do you watch TV and relate to the characters on a deep level? If this is the case, you might be an empath. Unsure if this applies to you? Highly Sensitive Refuge lists 13 classic traits of an empath. 13 Signs You Are An Empath You take on […]
Does talking about money make you totally uncomfortable? Do you find it easier to ignore your bank statement each month than to take time to review it? When you swipe your credit or debit card, are you holding your breath in the hopes that payment goes through? We get it! Talking about your finances can […]
Self care is an important part of life and one that most people don’t make enough time for. Whether their excuse is “I’m just too busy to make time for it” or “I simply don’t know where to start with self care,” for many self care just isn’t a priority. Below I’m going to give […]
Going to a college or university can be one of the best experiences one can have with new opportunities. As a former college professor, I had the honor and privilege to teach students of all ages from eighteen to sixties. The students I taught all had different life stories that made them unique in what […]