Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
In my previous post, I talked a bit about how important it is for you to keep developing yourself (i.e. moving forward) even if you’re feeling like everything you do is useless. Last time I left off, I was just about to take my first steps into the world of tutoring. So what happened? First […]
TITLE: Atonement AUTHOR: Ian McEwan PUBLISHER: Jonathan Cape AGE GROUP: 16+ (Explicit themes are discussed.) RATING: 5/5 Atonement is easily my favourite novel. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start reading postmodern fiction or explore the genre further. Ian McEwan is a master of crafting prose through language and structure – I was truly in […]
I’ve never celebrated Halloween. I’ve never really seen the point of it. Perhaps it stems from the fact that we were never allowed to do anything for it as kids. In fact, we were that family who’d be sat at home with blinds closed, lights off and doors locked. However, I’m thankful that my parents […]
A date night doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s time for you and your other half to catch up, have some time just the two of you, to make memories and just have fun! Sofa, movie and popcorn This is a great date night if money is tight one month. Maybe you could watch that […]
Above video is a vlog that walks you through the Continental Scrabble Championship Continental Scrabble Championship Information This was the the 9th Continental Scrabble Championship, and was held in the beautiful and vibrant city of Amsterdam! More entertainment content can be found here
30 minutes of Netflix. A quick scroll through Insta. A cheeky text message. A quick trip to the kitchen for yet another cuppa. Reorganising the sock drawer. Just some of the extensive range of methods that I use for procrastination. Let’s face it, it’s a mammoth task to stay focused when you’re easily distracted. I’m […]
Ever feel like a blanket of tasks and responsibilities has wrapped itself tight around you? That there’s just so much to do that you don’t know where to start so you just freeze? Let me share some strategies and together we can get through this! First, I do exactly that. Freeze. I stop and I […]
If your like me, you’ll have been planning your Halloween outfit for 2019 since August! I’m OBSESSED with this holiday. If the thought of the nights drawing in, cosy jumpers and sipping hot chocolate with cream and mini marshmallows doesn’t give make you the slightest bit comforted, I’m not sure we can be friends! Hahah […]
As it’s Halloween, I thought today I’d share with you a few experiences of where I faced up to some of my fears. Both of my fears I’m going to talk about today are related to my vomit phobia, but through persuasion and if we’re honest, a bit of FOMO, I’ve managed to come face […]