Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
My unexpected journey The idea came to my head a long time ago when I was still a student at a High School. I thought that it will be easy for me. My English is fine and all I wanted was to get out of my hometown, which is in the Czech Republic. So the […]
“In The AlphaApps, our motto is ‘Reimagine Reality’, we want people to see the world differently.”As a young black child growing up, there were no video game heroes that were people of colour and so when we came up with the idea of a space game, I wanted to make the main character a person […]
Quite to the contrary, crying is a sign of strength. Letting ourselves be a little vulnerable and giving ourselves that release is not only a sign of confidence, strength and bravery, it’s also quite healthy. I’ve often heard the phrase real men don’t cry. To me, the better phrase is men do cry too! In […]
For some, Facebook has become more than just posting life updates and instead has become selective postings on one’s life. In short, it often is the best of the best of life. Not the reality of life. So, who cares? What’s the big deal? Well, at times that can create a depressing message in the […]
In today’s modern world, it is so easy to do everything from just one handheld device. As good as it is, I feel that we are slipping away from the past and from things that helped define our culture. Let me help you with some ways you can reconnect with the past, and help you […]
I got back into reading a few years ago, and I found that it’s been really effective in helping me with my anxiety. I find that if I’m in an endless anxiety spiral, picking up a book is actually super helpful. It means I have to focus on what I’m reading as opposed to what […]
Moving away from home can be the biggest adventure of your life. Exploring a new city. Making new friends. Settling into a new routine. Everything about the new can be exciting. However, there’s another side of moving away that doesn’t get spoken about quite so much. I’m talking about homesickness. Homesickness can be the worst […]
sI’m officially half way through my time at uni… like WHAT??? The past year and a half has flown by and it has been an absolutely crazy adventure. It’s got me thinking about my uni journey so far, the lessons I’ve learnt and the memories I’ve made. Here’s a few reflections on my uni journey […]