Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
As we are all well aware, the environment is suffering. The Amazon fires are just heartbreaking, climate change is happening and the amount of plastic that is littered over our planets is just horrific. It might seem overwhelming to think that you can help to change any of these things. But if everyone tried to […]
Career networking has become a key tool in finding and advancing in one’s career. So, what is a career network and how to do you create one? A career, or professional” network involves using personal, professional, academic or familial contacts to assist with a job search, achieve career goals, learn more about your field, or […]
Are you a bubbly, confident chatterbox? Or do you sit more in the shy, struggle-to-start-a-conversation box? The crazy thing is, wherever you are on the spectrum, you could find yourself feeling lonely at university. And it makes sense. You’ve moved away from family and friends and you’re living alone on a tight budget. Maybe you […]
Welcome to Plymouth Freshers, this is ultimate guide on great places to eat in Plymouth. No matter what mood for food you are in, we have you covered with the great taste of local. Air – Skoff 3 Sherwell Lane, Plymouth PL4 8LH Located opposite Gilwell Halls of Residence, Scoff offer amazing fresh tasting pizza […]
When I moved away for university, I was terrified that my relationship with my family was going to change in a negative way. I thought that our close knit family unit was going to cease to exist (or worse, carry on existing without me). Thankfully, that didn’t happen and our family is just as close […]
With freshers just around the corner and students returning, I wanted to create a list of the best places to grab a coffee with friends in Plymouth. It can be pretty daunting moving away from home for the first time, especially if it’s a brand-new town or city and you don’t know where anything is or where you can hang out with your new friends and grab a coffee together.
While self care is important at all times in your life, it is incredibly important while in college. Self care is anything that relaxes you and allows you a moment to be in tune with your body. With all of the hustle and bustle it is important to have a strong self care routine in […]
Are you a parent, and also studying? Then here are some top tips on how to fit studying in around your family life. Schedule your Study time Family life can be hectic and busy most of the time. Add in studying alongside being a parent, and you begin to wonder, how on earth am I […]
There’s a whole range of different programmes on TV at the moment- it’s no surprise that it can often feel difficult choosing what to watch. I sometimes find that recommendations from other people help me to decide what I want to watch. With that in mind, here’s the 5 shows I’m loving right now. Jack […]