Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
I’m an introvert. I used to think introversion was a negative trait. Meaning that I was shy, socially awkward, and uncomfortable when in a crowd of people. I used to think that being an introvert was something to be ashamed of and that I should try to be more extroverted so that I could develop […]
Self care is a phrase that we see quite a bit lately. This Psychology Today article defines it simply as you taking care of you. But why is it so important? Mental health charity Mind says that self care techniques, along with general lifestyle changes can help us to manage mental health problems and the […]
Running a marathon changed me, not a lot, but it definitely changed a part of my outlook on life. So I thought I’d write a few words to share how I changed as a result of covering 26.2 miles on my feet. Completing a marathon gave me self-belief We all have core-beliefs built up over […]
Going to college as a young adult, especially right out of High School or Secondary school, you officially are on your own so to speak. You now must learn to manage on your own, whether that means buying your own food, paying rent, or even purchasing a car that you must pay for. Yes, many […]
Surprisingly, I found the first year of my English Literature degree easier than my whole two years of A-levels. I only had one exam at the end of first year that didn’t count towards my overall degree, whereas one thing I particularly despised about English Literature A-level specifically was how your entire grade rested on […]
One of the most helpful things I think we can do for our wellbeing is knowing how to deal with negative thoughts because these are the thoughts that are associated with difficult emotions, in particular feeling down and anxious. It’s okay to feel down and anxious, these are, of course, normal human emotions. However, when […]
My journey began with the realisation of my unhealthy lifestyle My journey begins in DEcember 2011, I was Obese, smoking, and drinking every day. This was what had become of me in my twenties. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed that decade of my life. It’s the decade I met and married my wife. We travelled (a […]
What is Hygge? Hygge (pronounced Hoo-gah) is a Danish word, and, is described by Collins Dictionaries as the practice of creating ‘cosy and congenial environments that promote emotional well being’. For many of us our lives are so fast pace that we often forget to stop for a while, slow down and relax. We always […]
I loved cracking on with a good project at university. I loved putting my organisation skills to work and seeing everything come together. What I didn’t love however, was group work. I’m sure I’m not the only one when I say that group work at university was well and truly the bain of my life. I always had some pretty strong opinions when it came to group work, but I always kept them under wraps.