Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
One of the things that are a big concern for anyone that wants to home educate their children is the cost. People are often surprised when I say it can cost nothing, it all depends on how you wish to home educate. If you wish to continue following the national curriculum for some parents this […]
By George Perfect – Verified by Big Youth Group. Think of your community. Picture a community where everyone is working together to help each other. This is what volunteers do. The tireless people who work around the clock to ensure that the people in their community get the support and guidance when they need it […]
By Daisy Bavage NeedToLive Administrator I never thought that I would be where I am today… In the current age that we’re living in, getting a job is pretty difficult- let alone getting one that you like! There is a whole lot besides determination that goes into securing a position that you actually want; qualifications, experience, […]
Tired of being broke all of the time? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have little to no money in a savings account? Do you wonder where your money has gone at the end of the month? Do you struggle to pay your routine bills, let alone get your debts paid off? Are […]
It’s that time of the year again. It’s exam season and you are either overworked and stressed or completely unprepared. Here are DO’s and DON’Ts so that you can survive your exams. DO: Study: You cannot avoid this. You must study and prepare yourself effectively for your exams. Whether you are a Visual, Auditory or […]
I know that it’s June right now, so it’s highly likely nobody wants to read about winter, but I really just have to get this off my chest. First, is there winter where you live? I live in Manitoba, Canada, and we have intensely cold winters. I feel like every year that goes by it […]
One thing I always hear when I advocate for veganism as someone who has had a past of an eating disorder, is that it must be a means of control and food avoidance, and that you can’t recover as a vegan (which I will touch upon further in upcoming blog post).First we need to look […]
Being a student can be tough, but there are so many ways that you can help yourself. My diet was one of the biggest changes I experienced through university. I became absorbed into ‘quick’ meals with no nutrition, but with more sugar and caffeine, which was certainly not keeping my brain awake.Eating the correct foods […]
As we know most things, that cost, are sadly a struggle for most low income families. Personally for Anth and myself, we struggled to afford to get married for many years, to the point it took us booking 5 times to finally tie the knot. But then we have noticed this did not just affect […]