Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
We all have time on our hands at the moment. Let’s face it, it’s hard to get (and stay) motivated. After you’ve binged Netflix, trawled YouTube and exhausted TikTok what then? Our MyNeedToLive Everyday Role Models are beavering away to bring you the best tips and tricks to stay positive and occupied. Have a listen […]
Celebrities are in lock down too, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still committed to doing what they do best. Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams haven’t always been the best of mates following their Take That split, but this video clearly shows that is all behind them now. The superstars are in fine form singing […]
For the last nine years, I’ve had my share of teaching in both a classroom and in an online format. For some instructors online is preferable because you simply can log in, conduct your lecture or even have something pre-loaded and set it on autopilot. I know those who primarily teach online will probably disagree […]
Effective Revision Strategies It has been a good few years now since I sat for my last exams, but I thought I would share some effective revision strategies that helped me learn. I’m dyslexic, so when I was at school and university, I needed to use study techniques that worked. As we are all trapped […]
Even the most practiced writers get the dreaded block at (many) points in their career. Whatever the level you’re at, the fact is there are times when we all need a bit of nudge. I cannot count the times I have gone blank – no words, just noises – when two minutes before I was probably […]
It’s crazy, going from our normal busy everyday routines to just, doing absolutely nothing. I used to look forward to the days when I had nothing scheduled, a free day with no burdens to intervene – now I can’t wait to get back to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, some may have […]
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I am really struggling to listen to music right now. In fact, over the past 5 weeks, I have barely listened to any music. I can’t really explain why, other than every single song that I hear reminds me of “normal life“. The life I am missing […]
I’ve been in denial with my emotions and feelings and had 2 wake-up calls the last week, so I thought I’d share my experience as this is a crazy situation. Quick History I’ve been in isolation for almost 2 months. I’m working from home and am grateful I still have a job. My role […]