Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
The panic in today’s world is off the charts it seems with the current events of COVID-19, high unemployment and pure instability. Now I can only speak for the United States as this is a global situation. Since our lives have been rocked in the US with over 140,000 deaths, many due to COVID-19 has […]
All of us are going through a difficult time. Though some of the things are reopening after the lockdown, yet the situation isn’t normal yet. We have to be more cautious about maintaining physical distancing, taking proper precautions, etc. At the same time, we’ll have to safeguard our finances too. If you’re getting your regular […]
Nominee Amy Jane Beckett Nominated by William Beckett My daughter Amy Jane Beckett She is a secondary school teacher who has been in school to look after the students still in school. She has been doing arts and crafts and computer science puzzles. She is also setting work daily for all her other students. Click […]
Nominee Joanne Hollingsworth Nominated by Debbie Parfitt I am nominating my keyworker Joanne Hollingsworth Because she has been there since the first day of the Co-vid outbreak she has been there for me and mum Helped me through the tough times Click to Nominate your #MyLocalRoleModel here View more nominees ->