Cheryl Gomery
Member since Jun 2019

The summer of being empowered & loving yourself or fat-shaming?
So this summer, after 42 years of being body-shamed! I have finally done it….. I have bought a bikini! I’m wondering will you be wearing shorts, vests, playsuits, bikinis this year? 2019 is set to see massive changes in the way we see ourselves & show our bodies. With many mainstream companies adding plus-sized clothing […]

Coming out
So it seems the summer months seem peppered with rainbow colours, flags, clothes & even some extraordinary make up looks. Exeter pride kicks off early in the first weeks of May, however there are still events all over the world to celebrate what is now known as ‘pride’. The rainbow flag represents all sexualities and […]

University bound?
So it’s the summer, you have done your exams & applied to university, you have the summer to essentially work/save/have fun with family & friends, especially if you are university bound. Whilst you have may or may not have received offers, the fact is moving to university is probably going to be your first time […]

Why Volunteer whilst at University?
It’s fresher’s week, you have attended the freshers fair, you pick up all sorts of bits and pieces and goodies, it’s all a bit overwhelming! You have probably spoken to people about different things & dependent on your likes & dislikes & your degree choice, different organisations & charities will be looking to offer volunteering […]

My story isn’t over yet.
Sometimes life doesn’t treat as you hoped it would and it can be overwhelming. Waiting for exam results, having to decide what’s next, big changes such as moving, starting or losing a job, or even just that feeling that you are not good enough as you haven’t managed to achieve what it looks like others […]

Keeping Drink Safe… No Spiking
This summer, one of the scariest things happened for me as a parent. My daughter got her drink spiked. Luckily she was with her best friend & her friend knew her well enough to actually know something was wrong & got her home safe & sound! It is one of the most concerning things you […]

Nine things to do before University.
Arrange your accommodation, most first year students opt to stay in halls, which are on campus and are an easy way to get to meet different people. Halls now offer various types of accommodation including a mixture of catered & self catering, quiet & social as well as mixed gendered and single halls. Sort out […]

To My Beautiful Daughter- Uni Moving Day
So when we wake up it will be time… this is what we as parents; work towards, these are one of the defining moments of us and our babies working towards that day where our offspring have achieved enough to actually go to university. It should be something to celebrate, something that makes everyone happy […]

This post is so true & speaking as someone who spends quite a lot of time on social media, I can see that we strive to show the best side of us and that may mean several ‘selfies’ in order to catch the best angle. I find myself using social media as a go too, if waiting for anything or if I get a spare 5 minutes. I have now downloaded the ‘calm’ app, which I have committed to use when waiting or a couple of times a day instead of social media. Like they say, everything in moderation ???? thank you for sharing.
Commented on / Spending less time on social media.
This is a really handy list, my daughter is uni bound, so will keep this in mind when we get her stuff together, also going to make sure she packs a seasonal wardrobe rather than everything, it may make it easier for her. Thanks for sharing ????
Commented on / What do I need to take to uni halls?
Having been someone, who has just had to ‘up’ my credit card payment, I his has been really helpful. I didn’t realise I had my credit card set up on paypal???? so silly expenses were coming out. I removed it from every account (I hadn’t realised my debit card and credit card had similar last four numbers...) So I have my credit card for desperate things ONLY. I have agreed to pay over the suggested voluntary amounts and even asked if I would be eligible for a lower interest rate, she told me not at the moment but ask again in 3 months time. So thank you for the suggestion. Thank you for the excellent post ????.
I agree with this post, the end of uni is the start of your journey. Internships and volunteering are powerful steps to meeting people who can boost your opportunities to find your perfect role. Also I couldn’t agree with the cookie cutter CV, don’t do it ???? If your applying anyway and you want it, a little research goes a long way. Thanks for sharing Paul ????.
Commented on / Graduation… Now What?
You would think these moves would be positive, the more people move, the better they are holistically if they can.. it flips the other way too, I have friends who struggle to put on weight & find suitable clothing which creates a barrier for people underweight feeling positive about their bodies!
Commented on / The summer of being empowered & loving yourself or fat-shaming?
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Wow this one caught me off guard and I had a tear in my eye for your braveness and being able to share what sounds like massive life changing events, I always think, my body is a map of where I have been, every line, mark, stretch mark, scar.. but it’s those indentations on your heart and soul who make you who you are, thank you for sharing your story ????
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