Advice, guidance, and support from real people.
Taking a look from a different point of view… We are now into our third week of lockdown, and time appears to be passing quicker now that the weather is providing everyone with an ounce of hope. I’m getting familiar to my routine of a slow-paced life. I have learnt to stop stressing about keeping […]
Creating a great resume isn’t just about making it visually appealing or using the right key words. Granted both are key to a great resume, but there’s so much more! Be Success-Oriented As a resume writer, so many times I see resumes that read like job descriptions. That, most likely, will not get you the […]
I just wrote a whole post to forget to save it… and I tell you now if that doesn’t summarise lockdown in one action fo you, I don’t know what will. I would try and remember what I wrote for this blog post, and rewrite it here – but my sleeping pattern is too messed […]
By the time we reach University some of us have already figured out a way to prioritize our responsibilities. University can throw a wrench is some of the best laid plans though. There’s more to keep track of and sometimes the deadlines are tighter. In addition, there’s often many extra-curricular activities drawing our attention away […]
Two minute read by The Oracle No one was ready for this Quarantine is a very alien and no one thought there would be an outcome as weird as this within my generation. We always saw movies where things like this happen, and I’ve have played games with scenarios showing global pandemics, so this is […]