My Clearing Story


Katie Brien

11 August 2019 2 comments

Other than the day that I got my A-Level results, I had never heard about Clearing but it’s such an important thing to be aware of. I’m going to share my personal story about getting into university through Clearing. 

The Results

Though I couldn’t tell you the exact date, I can tell you that getting my A-Level results and finding out if I was going to university was one of the worst days of my entire life. I know that may sound like a slight over-exaggeration but I can assure you that it isn’t. In the months before this date, I had completed my A-Level exams, applied to some universities and started buying stuff for my new flat. I was feeling really positive about the next chapter of my life. That was until results day. 

I remember waking up around 8ish in the morning and immediately checking my UCAS website. And there the words were: rejected. I started crying instantly and I remember running into my parent’s room where I just broke down to my Mom. I had quit my job in my hometown to move away, I had put the deposit down on my halls and I had organised a little flat-warming date. All of those plans were ruined. If I’m completely honest, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life from that moment forward. 

It was soon time to go and collect all of my results. Something that I was dreading doing because I knew I may bump into someone that would ask how I did which would leave to another breakdown. I raced in and out with my results and got back into my Mom’s car. Then the supportive phone calls from people rolled in which really helped. No one expressed any disappointment in me. They were proud of me anyway which made me feel better.

The Resolution

While watched a YouTuber talk about her university experience, a Clearing advert appeared. At this point, I wanted to stay near home because I just didn’t have it in me to move away. So I decided to phone up the University of Wolverhampton’s Clearing Hotline. I explained my situation to the lady on the phone, all the while surprised that she could understand me through my snot bubbles and crying. She helped me apply for the course and said I would hear back a few days later. And this is when my world starts to get sello-taped back together.

After a few days of waiting, it was confirmed that I was going to be an undergrad student in September. And I couldn’t have been happier when I found out. Getting into university was such an amazing feeling. I didn’t care anymore that I hadn’t gotten into my first choice. All that mattered was that I was going to university.

I had to do a few bits such as cancel my accommodation in Huddersfield, change over my student finance to go to the correct university and then get ready to start in September. My good friend from college was on my course too so that was great. I’ve also made a few other amazing friends. 

The Aftermath

I’m going into my third year in September, and I can honestly say that my university experience been amazing so far. Getting rejected from my first choice university was one of the best things to happen to me. It was like the universe was trying to tell me that wasn’t my destiny. Like some celestial sat-nav or something. 

So that’s my story about how I got into university through Clearing, I hope you enjoyed it. It feels good to share this experience because I haven’t really seen posts like this before. If you’d like any more information on clearing then here is UCAS’ page with all the information on it. Also, if you’d like a discount on some student goodies then I have a link for you here!

✩ How did you get into your university?

  • Education
  • #rejection

2 thoughts on “My Clearing Story

  1. Emily Carter

    Like you I had to use clearing- I’m now about to start second year. Whilst at the time it felt like the worst thing in the world to have been rejected, I know that I’m so much happier where I am now! Like you said- using clearing isn’t the end of the world, it’s just the universe telling you that you’re meant to be somewhere else.

  2. I didn’t have to use clearing but I did have to fight to get a spot on the course I wanted. I went into my BTEC course after wasting a year doing AS levels before realizing it wasn’t for me. Was told I would be able to do the course I wanted in university-provided I worked hard. I did and got all the marks required, and then was told that I was applicable because of the course I had done to get there.
    It was all so confusing but after much fighting, I was finally able to prove that I was meant to be there. There is no shame in using clearing, just like there is no shame in dropping out and changing direction.

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