The New Year’s Resolutions of a Chronically Ill Person


Lisa Alioto

12 December 2020 26 comments

Every year I make resolutions for the new year and I am proud to say that I keep over 90% of them.  Today, I thought I would share my resolutions that are related to my life with a chronic illness.  I’m sure many of you have similar goals in mind; for me, putting them to paper solidifies them.   Every day I achieve them – SUCCESS!  And some days, I need to rely on the joy from those successes quite a bit.  Other days, it’s just another feather in my cap.

So here goes!

  1. Pace: I will pace.  Period.  I will not try to, I will not do it when it’s convenient or when I feel a flare approaching, I will just do it.
  2. Self-Care:  I will put me first.  I will not sacrifice my health to make it easier for others.  I will not feel guilty for saying no.
  3. Yes: I will start saying yes to offers of help rather than a polite, in denial, no.
  4. Rest:   I will not consider resting, even for the entire day, a waste.  I obviously needed it and my needs are not valueless.
  5. Medical Care:  I will not be afraid to ask the questions I want answers to.  I deserve to know the details of my diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan.
  6. Comprehensive Medical Support:  I will not accept less than from my medical care providers.   If I know more about my illness than them, they are not the doctor for me.  I will seek providers knowledgeable on my conditions and that can optimally help me.
  7. Celebrate:   I will find something to celebrate every day.   Every day brings new opportunities, big and small.  I will seek them out and make the most of the ones I can.
  8. Challenges:  I will not back away from new opportunities out of fear it will trigger a flare-up.  I will make decisions based on balancing the facts, not based on the fear of a possible (but perhaps not even probable) flare-up.
  9. Support: I will find ways daily to support my fellow chronic illness warriors in big and small ways.   They are an amazing group of friends that deserve the best I can give them.
  10. Most Importantly:  These will not be my only resolutions because there is so, so much more to me than my illness.  I have a lot to contribute to the world around me and the people in my life.  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is what I have, not who I am.

I hope that some of these resolutions resonate with you  – most importantly, I hope you keep #10 in mind.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the pain and exhaustion and forget that underneath it all we are still who we were all long.

2021 is the year to be good to you in every way.  Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

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26 thoughts on “The New Year’s Resolutions of a Chronically Ill Person

  1. Love these New Year’s resolutions! 2020 was a difficult year for many of us, and I am glad that you pulled through the year. Good luck with all of your goals. Love how they’re about making the most and thankfulness!

    Nancy ✨

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Thank you Nancy! I appreciate your kind comments!

  2. Alyssa Hixenbaugh says:

    Thank you for sharing! I hope your new year is filled with good things!

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Thank you Alyssa – you as well! Happy holidays!

  3. I don’t have a chronic illness, but know many people who do. I love your resolutions, as they show you have courage to get through each day no matter what, and not let it control your life! Remember you are a great warrior yourself. God bless! ??

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Thank you Denise – such kind words! Happy holidays!

  4. What great resolutions! I especially love number 7, it’s something we don’t do enough, but every day should be celebrated!xx

    Hannah |

  5. Lisa Alioto

    I agree – we all could use a bit more celebrating in our lives!

  6. 2020 has been a bit of a shocker, I’m just hoping that I can be reunited with my girlfriend again, as we have an amazing year ahead of us.

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Wishing you and your girlfriend the very best!!

  7. I love everything on this list. So many people make unrealistic resolutions instead of choosing to make a commitment to daily changes that will improve their lives. Thanks for the reminder!!!

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Glad that you like them Cynthia! Happy Holidays!

  8. I haven’t made any New Year’s resolutions yet but these are great, so positive!

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Thank you Lisa – I’m glad you enjoyed the list! Happy holidays!

  9. These are such great New Years Resolutions! I hope you have a wonderful new year my friend!

    1. Lisa Alioto

      Thank you Charity – I hope you have an amazing new year as well!

  10. These are some great resolutions. I definitely think taking time for yourself is so important.

    1. Lisa Alioto

      I do too – being your own best friend is so important!

  11. MagicandBliss says:

    Very useful for people in need. I will share with some of my friends so that they can pass it along.

    1. Lisa Alioto

      That is wonderful of you to do – thank you! Happy holidays to you!

  12. These are some great New Year’s resolutions! I particularly love number 2 and 4 – self-care and simply taking some time to relax is so important!

    1. Lisa Alioto

      I’m glad you like them Raji! I agree #2 and #4 are key!

  13. Great list. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Kelly – happy new year to you too!

  14. These are some great resolutions, some really important ones too. Good to hear you stick to yours!

    1. Thank you Alex! Happy holidays and new year!

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