Anja Masha
Member since Jun 2019
3 summer reads every young adult needs to read this summer!
Are you ready for summer, but you still have not made up your mind what books you should take with you? Well… you are in the right place because I am going to share with you 3 must have summer reads according to me. I know for some might be a challenge to fit all […]
Smart ways to save money while doing shopping!
Smart ways to save money while doing shopping! Have you ever wondered how much money do you spend when doing groceries? Well, for the majority of families it is really a significant expense but what happens when you are a student? I am going to share with you some tips on how to make food […]
How to get over summertime and start the new season fresh!
Summertime is amazing, no doubt: no school, beach, holidays, traveling and staying up late. However, it comes to an end. It is sad, but I know you are able to get back in track for the new season. 1. Firstly, make sure to regulate your schedule: start sleeping earlier, adjust the waking up alarm and […]
No time for breakfast? Try this method in less than 5 minutes
Getting up early is a hard task for me, especially when it involves preparing breakfast. During the last years, I have tried several methods that are easily prepared and take no longer than five minutes. All you need to have is a microwave and a mug… also some ingredients of course. Below I will share […]
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