How to find the motivation to exercise


Eleanor Hall

26 January 2021 0 comments

During lockdown, I’ve been trying to take advantage of the sudden immense amount of free time I’ve got on my hands. This includes exercising to keep myself fit and healthy. I used to be not so keen on working my body into shape like this, but I’ve had a change of heart – and so can you!


Get up and GO

It’s the most basic rule in the book, just don’t think about it. Only this morning I hauled myself out of bad at 7:30am, and was out the door by 8. I took my bike and rode for half an hour round the countryside, it also allows me to appreciate the amazing environment around me, situated right on my doorstep.


Eat before you train

Very important. You cannot possibly push yourself to your limit without having energy to burn off in the process. I once went to the gym early in the morning, without having any breakfast, and could not make my body work, at all. I ended up being so faint and the trip was pointless.. that was before I changed my habits. Now, I make sure I have eaten at least a little breakfast, and post workout I eat again. I used to think eating would make me bigger and was bad for me, when in actual fact I have com not the realisation that by eating in moderation, I am able to have the best of both worlds by adding exercise into my regime.


The only thing stopping you is your head

It’s a well known fact that your only limit is you. Therefore, the only thing telling you that you cannot complete that last exercise, or you cannot keep going for one more minute to reach your goal, is your head. Your body will keep going if it is in prime condition, and so will you if you TELL yourself you can!


Don’t run before you can walk

I learnt this the hard way. Push yourself, yes. Motivate yourself, of course. But do not try a 5k run when you haven’t trained yourself to be able to tolerate a 1k run. Build up your stamina through everyday exercise, and soon you may find yourself doing more than the imaginable.


Thrive on routine(s)

I personally find routines helpful. By timetabling activities in my day the evening before, I am able to encourage myself to complete the tasks, and reward myself by having the satisfaction that I’ve been successful in treating my body. I know I have mentioned this before, but I cannot stress enough how much it will change your outlook on everyday life!


Love Eleanor xx

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