Staying healthy both mentally and physically during lockdown – can it be done?


Eleanor Hall

29 April 2020 0 comments

Yes. Of course it can. Think about it, everybody is in the same position right now, everybody cannot go anywhere they used to, cannot see the people they used to see, cannot live the life they used to lead. It’s unfortunate, and it’s so, so sad. My heart breaks for people succumbing to this terrible virus, for their family members and their peers and their colleagues and their associates.

BUT, YOU CAN maintain your own sanity, if you want to, that is. Below are some methods I have been using to ensure I stay happy and healthy during these strange times. Feel free to let me know if they work for you, or if you have any other tips to help others out!


It’s an awful idea for some, myself included, well, 2 weeks ago that is. Back then, exercise was a concept I would never voluntarily endure, the thought of it already wore me out before I even got started. But, think of it like this: once your into it, you’ve already broken down that barrier of preventing yourself. After that, it can only go up, surely? Of course, you may have bumps in the road, but not doing exercise for a couple days is perfectly OK and NORMAL. No-one is a machine! By working out during your free time, you will feel so good about yourself after, I promise you. Additionally, my advice would be to get up and go. Do not daudle, get up and get th exercise done. In doing so, you have already ticked off one of your challenges for the day, you will have already pushed your boundaries -whats stopping you from doing more than just laying around with you day??

P.S. – working out actually gives you more energy, strange but true.

Make lists

Yeah, it sounds cliche and more than obvious, but I had to put out there. Making lists of things you want to achieve the night before helps you to do so. This method is super effective, as normally you end up forgetting what you want to achieve! You can tick them off when you reach each goal, humans work on rewards, so this is why it is so effective.


I never used to read, ever. I never had time for it, or should I say, I never MADE time for it. That being said, if you take some time to research the biggest SEO’s of global businesses such as Amazon or Facebook, you will find that each head figure always takes time out of their daily routine to read. It is proven that by taking up this hobby, you will more than likely become more intelligent, due to the fact that you are keeping your brain active, a skill more than needed during these times.

Change your mindset!

Staying healthy both physically and mentally during lockdown is a tough balance to achieve, if I do say so myself.

Everyone will have their own individual likes and dislikes, and so it is difficult to create a ‘handbook’, if you like, of methods to stay well during these unprecedented times. However, if there is one thing I’ve been able to conclude after face-timing my friends, having zoom interviews via webcam and general texting with family members, it is this: look on this time as a positive.

This is so important. Changing your outlook on a situation will help you to experience it in a different way. I can only imagine how saddened many people are feeling right now, maybe they feel isolated, or maybe they have lost someone they loved.

However, by taking a different approach to viewing the circumstances we are in, you may still find the good in such a terrible ordeal. Take the example of feeling alone and turn it into a “this is only temporary” mindset. Or in losing someone, of course my heart goes out to everybody in this position, but without our wonderful health care system, we would be ridden of the opportunity to try save them. And many people have been saved, though unfortunately we do not hear about those cases as often. But they DO happen, and they SHOULD be looked upon as a sign of hope and celebration, that we will be able to come back from this one day, maybe not just yet, but in the future.

Love Eleanor xx

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