3 Tips To Help With Your Productivity.


Gayleen Hodson

20 June 2021 1 comments

Whenever I have a bulk of work on the go, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. However, I have learnt with time how to make the most out of my hours. I have gathered up some tools and tips that help me reach maximum productivity. Here are my 3 tips to help with your productivity.

The 45/15 Rule.

On a full working day, it is so important to take regular breaks otherwise I could end up burning myself out. And that would be the least productive thing to do. So I created a 45/15 minute rule to ensure that I reached maximum productivity, but also kept myself motivate as well as rested.

So, how does the 45/15 minute rule work?

I set a timer for 45 minutes, I sit down and I work as hard as I possibly can for 45 minutes. As I have several clients, this might mean that I am working for one, or a few in those 45 minutes but the key is to keep working in that time slot. When the buzzer goes off, I need to ensure my work has been saved and then step away from it.

I then have a break for 15 minutes. Now this could be to make a cuppa, watch TV or go on social media. I also have housework, laundry or other chores that I can complete in these 15 minutes if I have a large to- do list. But whatever it is, I need to be away from the computer. You could even fit a mini work out into the 15 minutes! Once the buzzer goes off, you can reset it to 45 minutes again. You continue this loop until you have finished your work, or until you have reached a sufficient time scale for the day- so for me if I start in the morning, I make sure to finish by dinner.

I find this really helps keep me motivated whilst pushing my productivity to the max. It ensures that I don’t burn myself out too quickly. By taking frequent breaks, I am allowing myself time to rest a little and step away from the screen to reduce headaches.

Download Swipes.

Swipes is a great handy little app that allows you to add your to-do list. It allows you to organise your job list, reschedule tasks and order them in terms of priority.

I find this app so handy. I love that is on my phone, unlike my lists on my desk, I can access this anywhere anytime.

It is a great little tool that makes me feel accomplished when I manage to swipe a task to the right to show it has been completed. It helps to boost my productivity as I am able to work down my list of jobs in priority order.

Delegate When Needed.

Have you got any tasks that you could delegate to someone else? Perhaps a partner or friend has offered to help your work/ life load- actually a productive person will ignore pride and embarrassment and jump at the chance to delegate any task you can.

For my Husband, he helps share the chores and household tasks. However, you can apply little things across your life to delegation- whether this is picking up an order from a supermarket locker, or proofreading an assignment before you hand it in. This is always better being done by someone else, as we often miss our own mistakes. You may think delegation is impossible, but if you open up your mind to it, you will find that there are opportunities.

Let me know what you think of the tips above. I hope that they help to max out your productivity.

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One thought on “3 Tips To Help With Your Productivity.

  1. I love the 45/15. I’ve used a similar system for a long time. I think it is so important to get up and move around. They’re not necessarily breaks, but short active sessions. They help!

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